Quick Start Guide

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Storybook supports many different frontend view layers with more coming! React, Vue, Angular, Mithril, Marko, HTML, Svelte, Meteor, and Ember are currently supported. Follow these steps to get started with Storybook.

Get started using the automated command line tool. This command adds a set of boilerplate files for Storybook in your project:

cd my-project-directory
npx -p @storybook/cli sb init

The tool inspects your package.json to determine which view layer you’re using. If you want to develop HTML snippets in storybook, we can’t determine that automatically. So to install storybook for HTML, use the --type flag to force that the HTML project type:

npx -p @storybook/cli sb init --type html

To setup a project manually, take a look at the Slow Start Guide.

Start Storybook with:

npm run storybook

Storybook should now be available in the browser with a link provided in the console.

To learn more about what the Storybook CLI command sb init command does, have a look at the slow start guides:

A tutorial is also available at Learn Storybook for a step-by-step guide (only available for React).